Wedding photography Engagement photography Family photography Saskatoon boudoir photography Saskatoon Professional photo
Wedding photography Engagement photography Family photography Saskatoon boudoir photography Saskatoon Professional photo

Hi, I'm Nicole...

Your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. Just kidding. I'm a photographer, which is probably the next best thing to being Spiderman. I am local to Saskatchewan but have a passion for travel, so don't be afraid to invite me somewhere exotic! When I’m not working you can probably find me with one (or more) of the following: my kiddos, my husband, my dogs, coffee, a good book, or something sweet to eat! I love spending time on our family acreage. We are very fortunate to have been able to carve out our own little piece of paradise here. My kids are my why. I want to provide for them, show them the world, + be everything they need. Although that isn't realistically possible, I do my best. My husband is my biggest supporter. He is always there with words of encouragement, a hug, + a hammer - for the many projects I ask *make* him do for my business.

Aside from my family, I am obsessive + passionate about a few things in life. Sometimes only for a short period of time; Aries problems. But a few things that have stuck with me are my love for my closest friends, the ocean (major shark buff), traveling (either roughing it or in luxury), movie soundtracks, coffee (one pot a day kinda gal), house plants, + wearing Birkenstocks.

​Besides my family + the "good life" out on the acreage (+ photography, obvi), one of my biggest passions is travel, as I mentioned above. Sort of like the first time I held my camera, the first time I got on a plane I knew I would never give it up. I had the privilege of visiting my Aunt in Switzerland while she was going to school there when I was 15. My husband + I backpacked through Europe for 2 months, hiked the Inca Trail, + camped around Iceland in a van! I want to see everywhere. I love going new places, meeting amazing people along the way, + discovering something about myself everywhere I go. Whenever I get the chance to combine travel with photography I am absolutely tickled pink!

So if you think I'd be a good fit to document your adventure, whatever it may be, please reach out, tell me about yourself + your vision, + let's create something beautiful together! Email is the best way to get ahold of me ( or head over to my contact page. 

xo, Nicole 

some behind the scenes of my life


  1. I live in a zoo. 1 husband. 2 kids. 2 dogs. It's wild. The house is rarely clean.
  2. My favourite food is Mexican! I could live on tacos + pico de gallo + guac. YUMMMM! Charcuterie boards are also a pretty quick way into my heart.
  3. I am a crazy plant lady. I am constantly rearranging my furniture to accommodate my latest plant baby purchase.
  4. If I am not traveling, you can bet I am dreaming about it, or planning my next adventure. I have traveled to 14 countries (2 for work). My favorite so far is a bit of a toss-up between Scotland + Turkey, but I really have enjoyed every place I've been to! Next on my list is Portugal, Morocco, or Eastern Canada!
  5. My favorite TV shows include Peaky Blinders, Outlander, Gilmore Girls, + The Challenge.
  6. I'm a huge history nerd! I am especially interested in learning about medieval England, the Holocaust, + the World Wars.
  7. I'm not really a huge sports fan, but I do love the Boston Bruins.
  8. Speaking of history nerd... I am also a teacher! I teach high school English + History.
  9. I can't bake anything well, except one specific cinnamon bun recipe.
  10. I have 6 tattoos. All have a special meaning to me, but you'll never know it unless you ask ;)
Wedding photography Engagement photography Family photography Saskatoon boudoir photography Saskatoon Professional photo