bring along the cutest member of your family...

I'm just kidding! But in all seriousness please bring along your furry family member - especially if its a dog! I absolutely love dogs! My family has three dogs (I coerced my husband into two of them), and I am the crazy dog lady! Our dogs are a huge part of our lives, and this is the same for many other families and individuals as well. You won’t regret bringing them along to your session!

Much like children, animals do require more patience to photograph so please keep this in mind when we are shooting. I recommend letting them roam around in the session location first or take them for a walk/run ahead of time to calm them down. If we are at a location they have never been to before, they are definitely going to want to sniff and explore a lot and will be distracted, so it's really important to let them explore a bit before your session begins. Plan to arrive 15-20 minutes ahead of time for this. Always make sure to have your pet on leash, especially in a new location. Safety for the pet, myself and others we may come across is number one priority. Also bring along some of their favorite treats and toys to help keep them on their best behaviour!

During your session, I will always snap a photo or two of this beloved fuzzy family member. Speaking from personal experience, it is nice to have those photos, when your pets won't be around any longer. It's not something we like to think about, but these special animals don't stay with us nearly long enough. When my childhood dog Jake, passed a few years ago, I was super grateful to have those images of him.

Our furry friends also bring an extra element of fun to the session! Besides being important parts of the family, your animals give you an "activity", which can help the session flow easily! You'll be interacting, having a blast, and cuddling. These images are always super special to my clients and I can definitely see why. Dogs aren't the only animal allowed! Please don't be afraid to bring any other creature that is a part of your life! Just make sure to let me know in advance!